Jean Luc of All Trades

Sometimes it’s hard being me.

Cat…Construction Worker….Blogger…Reporter….Official Mascot of the Orlando Cat Café. So many roles to juggle.

I am by NO means complaining. I really LOVE all my jobs, but sometimes it gets hard doing so much – especially in the heat of the Summer when all I want to do is nap…and drink water.

It has been another busy and exciting week at The Orlando Cat Café. The word on the street (and in the café) is that Opening Day is FAST approaching. I am not at liberty to divulge an exact date, mostly because no one has told me, but I think it’s going to be soon!

A lot has happened this week. The walls got a fresh coat of paint, cabinets have begun to arrive (excellent hiding places for my weekly game of Hide and Go Seek with my friend Keith) and even some new lighting fixtures got installed. Also, we got a new floor in the Cat Play Area — polished concrete which makes running after my toys a lot more fun (the floor is shiny and just a little slippery). And, perhaps the most exciting part, for me anyway, is the installation of my own little door. Now by “my own” I mean it’s for me and for all my kitty cat friends at the Orlando Cat Café. The door leads from the Cat Play Area to our own little “secret area” where we can go to eat, drink and do some other “private” business that I would prefer not to blog about. It’s for Cats Only, although we will probably let our human friends from the Animal League back there sometimes so that they can fill up those food bowls!

I do have a few pictures to share this week —

Orlando Cat Cafe|Kitty Door
Here’s me “testing out” the new Kitty Door to our “Secret Area!”

And here is a picture of me helping to install the cabinets…

Orlando Cat Cafe
This drill is heavier than it looks — it’s a “2 paw” job!

Not all my “work” is construction related — sometimes I have to do paperwork too, like paying bills!

Gotta pay the bills!
Gotta pay the bills!

And here is a picture of new napping space in the newly installed cabinet!

Orlando Cat Cafe
A good Hide and Go Seek spot as well as a good napping spot!

Tune in next week for another exciting update! We can’t wait for you to visit us!

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Jean Luc Sings West Side Story

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